
Showing posts from January, 2023

Illustrator Tutorials and Explanations

  Julia Perna January 25 th , 2023   Illustrator Tutorials and Explanations The Complete Beginners Guide to Adobe Illustrator l FREE COURSE      This video starts out with a brief explanation on what Adobe Illustrator is, mentioning that it is the best tool in the Creative Suite for making logos, illustrations, posters, infographics, t-shirt designs, and flyers. It is also mentioned that the tools in illustrator make it very easy to create and modify shapes and strokes to build your compositions, which puts me at some sort of ease being new to this program.     The project he first focuses on during the video is turning a hand drawn sketch that was scanned into illustrator and converted to vector artwork, and turning into a poster/t-shirt design to demonstrate a scenario where we are going to design for print. He then begins to show how we incorporate CMYK swatches and pantones into the artwork, which I do think I may struggle with. Also, l

Internet / World Wide Web / Bluetooth / Wi-Fi

  Julia Perna January 25 th , 2023   Internet / World Wide Web / Bluetooth / Wi-Fi   Today’s world as we know it would not be able to function without the creation of the internet, but do any of us really know how it came to be? If it was to suddenly disappear one day businesses would not be able to function, schoolwork wouldn’t be able to be completed, social interactions would be much more limited. It is something we all utilize so much without realizing, whether it’s used happily or not, yet since it has always been there for most of us we have never even batted an eye towards the topic of its creation. The world is powered by the internet and everything that has come with it, such as the World Wide Web, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and now it is time to find out how it became so important.               The textbook definition of the internet, sometimes referred to as “the net”, is a worldwide system of computer networks (a network of networks) in which any users on one system can, if they
       My name is Julia Perna and I am currently in the second semester of my Junior year at the University of Tampa. I am a AD/PR major with a concentration in PR, but I spent my first year and a half here as a business management major. I'm originally from New York, and I lived there my entire life until I decided to come down to Tampa for school. Outside of my school and work life I love going to the beach, spending time with friends, walking the river walk, and just sitting in Plant Park on campus.       I'm very excited to take this class because as a PR major it is very important for me to develop skills revolving around the Adobe cloud, which I have been trying to learn on my own for about a year now. I'm really looking forward to all the different projects we do, because creating different types of art has always been one of my passions and seeing a project come together will always be so interesting to me. From the first class, it was made clear that there is defin