
Showing posts from February, 2023

Logo Project

  With this assignment taking place around valentines day, I decided to focus my logo around love and light. The overall logo is a lightbulb, but the twist is that instead of a normal lighting fixture inside I chose to do a heart instead. The first one is a basic representation of "love and light" using a light pink as the main color with white accents to show happiness. The second one, using different types of blues, kind of paints the idea in a sad to happy light, with the base of the lightbulb going from dark to light blue and the core lightbulb being dark blue with a white light shining on the heart. The transition from dark to light colors is supposed to represent the happy to sad pipeline, or healing from past wounds in a way. The third and final logo uses lime and kelly green, and this one is supposed to be a representation of love for the planet. With spring coming up and being able to spend more time outside, I figured that it would be important to shed "light&q

Paula Scher Documentary Assignment

     For me, being in the "state of play" means living in the moment, or watching a moment/memory unfold right in front of your eyes. To be in a state of play I feel as if you have to be completely locked in on what you are doing, just like how you are while playing in a sports game or another important activity. While in a state of play I also feel as if your brain is able to think more logistically and creatively, which in turn will assist you in coming up with the best ideas and possible outcomes possible.     I think that I am able to come up with my best ideas while sitting outside along the riverwalk on our campus, sitting at armature works, and while walking on Bayshore Blvd. Being outside, in my opinion, is the most mind freeing thing you can possibly do for yourself and is a great way to clear your head and start fresh. Whenever I am struggling creatively or have an important assignment to do I either sit along the river and work or go on a walk beforehand to get mys

Calligram Project

  February 6 th , 2023 For my calligram project, I found it most fitting to put my “letter to my future self” in the letter J, because over the next 20 years the only think I know for certain that won’t change about me is my first name. My first idea was to do a house, but while I was playing around with illustrator in class, I later decided that the “J” with a heart over it would be the best option. This project as a whole took me about three hours to complete, between getting the text to line up perfectly, be all the same size, and doing a few rough drafts of my sketch. January 30, 2023   Dear Future Me,               Currently you are sitting at your college job at Obsessed Boutique writing this letter for your COM225 class, Digital Media. It’s your second semester of junior year, two days after gasparilla, and you’ve actually done a good job of balancing the school & social barrier this semester (besides not sleeping for 72 hours this weekend, that was a bad choice). Work was s