Calligram Project

 February 6th, 2023

For my calligram project, I found it most fitting to put my “letter to my future self” in the letter J, because over the next 20 years the only think I know for certain that won’t change about me is my first name. My first idea was to do a house, but while I was playing around with illustrator in class, I later decided that the “J” with a heart over it would be the best option. This project as a whole took me about three hours to complete, between getting the text to line up perfectly, be all the same size, and doing a few rough drafts of my sketch.

January 30, 2023 

Dear Future Me,


            Currently you are sitting at your college job at Obsessed Boutique writing this letter for your COM225 class, Digital Media. It’s your second semester of junior year, two days after gasparilla, and you’ve actually done a good job of balancing the school & social barrier this semester (besides not sleeping for 72 hours this weekend, that was a bad choice). Work was slow today and right now you’re listening to the playlist you always do (more specifically quarter after 3) and trying to book flights to go visit one of my friends for St. Patrick’s Day. I’d pray that at this point in your life you are married and at least have a family… but besides that what’s going on? Did you stay in Tampa, move back to NY, move to Georgia, or completely start over somewhere else? Did you get a job working for the NHL or open your own business? How many, if any, kids did you have and how old are they now? It’s really weird thinking how 20 years from now will be double my current lifespan and I really wonder how my problems are going to evolve. Right now, all you’re worried about is when you’re gonna be able to clean your room and how long until you turn 21, since you’re the last of all your friends. At least I get the suffering over with now, I’m sure I was happy when everyone else was turning 40 and I was still 39 (no offense). What’s Matthew up to? Since he’s gonna be 37 does he have a family yet, and where did he move? How about Mom and Dad… did they move to FL or stick with their other plan of getting an apartment at home and doing travel Airbnb’s during winter? I really hope everyone is doing well, I hope you found someone who makes you happy and are living happily with your family (because you and I both know how ready we are to settle down…). If I’m so far off with all of this, remember how high your expectations were at 20 and get your life together, because even writing this is making me realize that it’s time for me to start preparing to live the life I have always dreamed of.


Good luck and I’ll see you in 20 years,

Jules (age 20, 2023)


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