Paula Scher Documentary Assignment

    For me, being in the "state of play" means living in the moment, or watching a moment/memory unfold right in front of your eyes. To be in a state of play I feel as if you have to be completely locked in on what you are doing, just like how you are while playing in a sports game or another important activity. While in a state of play I also feel as if your brain is able to think more logistically and creatively, which in turn will assist you in coming up with the best ideas and possible outcomes possible.
    I think that I am able to come up with my best ideas while sitting outside along the riverwalk on our campus, sitting at armature works, and while walking on Bayshore Blvd. Being outside, in my opinion, is the most mind freeing thing you can possibly do for yourself and is a great way to clear your head and start fresh. Whenever I am struggling creatively or have an important assignment to do I either sit along the river and work or go on a walk beforehand to get myself in the proper headspace to lock in and enter a "state of play". My favorite thing to create is definitely writing, it has always been my strongest suit academically and I just enjoy doing it. I sketch and do graphic design every once in a while, but the main form of art that I will always love to create is a writing piece.
    The image that I attached at the beginning of this blog post is definitely my favorite piece of artwork by Paula Scher because it is her interpretation of the NYC transit line from 2008. I grew up on Long Island about 35 minutes from Manhattan, so seeing my home represented by such a famous artist in a unique way is very important and interesting to me. I also liked that she took a more simplified approach to it, using plain circles, lines and colors to represent the different transit lines and stops, while also paying attention to the background detail and highlighting all of the city streets and surrounding areas.


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